Drama hub

Giving Kids Confidence! COME AND TRY

My fun and dynamic drama classes improve kids’ communication skills, teamwork and self-esteem. These lessons are high energy and supportive in their approach to teaching drama. Each term is carefully planned to ensure students cover a wide range of skills. Some core areas of focus include: relaxation, voice production, articulation, poetry and prose reading, improvisation, characterisation, storytelling, public speaking, script work and play performance. 

These classes are suited to kids who want to build confidence but also who love drama and performing.


balaklava eisteddfod

30th, 31st July & 1st August

A Speech and Drama Eisteddfod is a competition. It requires commitment from parents and students. It requires parents to assist children with practicing at home and to also give up their time to sometimes wait half the day for their child to present a short performance.

There are only two Speech and Drama Eisteddfod’s run in South Australia: Mt Gambier and Balaklava. I recommend all my students to participate in the Balaklava Eisteddfod. 

Students may enter into a variety of areas:

Drama and Recitation Solo

Prose or Poetry reading

Public Speaking

Group Drama ( 2-4 or 5-9 performers)

The entry fee is $10 for solo and $18 for group performances.


This is an excellent opportunity for your child. Every student that enters receives an official adjudication report. Each competitor has the potential to win trophies, book prizes or monetary awards. Your child will gain a lot of life skills he/she may not pick up elsewhere – confidence, voice projection and general stage skills. Your child will also learn not every performance is a winning one and this is a valuable life lesson to learn at any age.

To find out more about the Balaklava Eisteddfod click here.

holiday workshops

Looking for something to do on the holidays? Do your kids like to perform and express their ideas? Why not channel that enthusiasm into one of my three-hour drama workshops. We will focus on areas of impromptu, characterisation, storytelling, relaxation, voice production, mime, public speaking and play reading.

These classes are suited to kids who want to build confidence but also who love drama and performing.
